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Enjoy free shipping on orders $10+ 10% off with code '2025'
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We are a small family farm in the Florida Panhandle.
Our specialty is helpful & healing herbs, seeds, and natural wood products.
We have always collected and saved seeds of all kinds with the hopes of having enough land to plant them all some day.
Fortunately, we were able to find a beautiful 18 Acre piece of land WAYYY out in the country. The land has been untouched for at least 50 years and has native Florida plants everywhere!
We also have many other 'mini-farms' within a 15 minute drive of our main farm. Each of the mini-farms are a little different. Some are damp, while others are sandy & dry. This allows us to have a great variety of Florida Native seeds from many different types of environments.
Every morning we enjoy walking through & working in our many gardens. How lucky we are to do this for a living!
We offer a very unique variety.
You will find seeds here you will not find elsewhere!
Everything we have available is picked, processed, packaged and shipped by the 2 of us.
Direct from our farm to your mailbox!
33% of our orders shipped within Florida!
Followed by
9% to Texas & 7% to California
You will find seeds here you will not find elsewhere! We have multiple farms to offer you a wide variety of rare Florida native seeds.
We try to grow anything we can - even if it is zone 9-10, we will give it a try!
Pigeon Pea's are gorgeous and provide great nitrogen. But, we freeze out before it seeds :/
Yes, it's common to see a Pygmy Rattler, Diamondback, Water Moccasin, or Copperhead around the farm.
Yes, we have a 'mini-farm' backing up to a
gator swamp - it's where the
Swamp & Buckwheat Titi seeds come from.
2024 was the BEST year for Saw Palmetto Berries! The beautiful plump berries are sold for seed or by the oz for making Tincture.
Our farm is permitted by the FL Dept of Ag to harvest & sell Saw Palmetto Berries.
We promote butterfly friendly seeds & plants.
Save the Monarch Butterflies!
We have quite the team of farm cats running around the main farm.
This is Ms. Tipsy :)
All wild animals are welcome here.
This is a 6 foot Oak Snake named Elvis that frequents the farm.
He has a bigger brother - Belvis.
Wanting a farm since childhood,
his dream has come true!
From seed sowing, harvesting, processing to the neat handwriting on packages, papa does it all!
Running through the woods barefoot to catch up to the awesomely big snake -
its the daily around here!
Loving the plants, animals & Florida Sunshine!
The real owner of the Ranchero!
Who are we kidding!
Rusty runs the daily - from waking us up very early every morning, to letting us know when it's lunchtime - Rusty keeps us on schedule!
If you hear hissing, its usually Ms. Tipsy!
She is the damsel of the farm.
Nicknames - Baby Girl, Tipsy Lou Who,
Fussy Fussy, Princess
The macho man of the group - he is always picking fights with his brothers.
While most of the kitties stay close to home, socks likes to roam.
Nicknames - Socksy, Big Boy
Smiley can usually be found snoozing in the cat house with his face poking out of the small door.
Named from the little white smiley face on his belly when born.
Nicknames - Sleepy, Nibbler
Lucky spends most of his time right beside the cat house. He is a scaredy-cat, but arrives first when there is any food around. Most mornings he can be found chasing bunnies through the gardens.
Nicknames - First Place, Tick, Coon Dog
Originally named Runter, for being the runt of the litter, Hunter has made quite a comeback!
He loves to wag his little bob-tail like a puppy when papa pets him.
Nicknames - Papa's Puppy, Runter
Mushy always wants love and affection.
If you sit in a chair on the farm, even for just a minute, Mushy will be the first to jump on your lap.
Nicknames - Mama's Mushy, Just a mess
Huckabee is the brave one of the group.
Baby girl looks up to Sarah Huckabee & Papa is a fan of her father's. Since we couldn't name him Sarah, Huckabee it is :)
Nicknames - Squeaky, Mauler, Hucka Hucka
Bobby has a bobtail and his feet look like little bones, so Bobby Bones has his name. He is the traveler of the group, coming home every 3 days or so to rest & eat!
Nicknames - Flicker, Traveler